HAF Programme

Introduction to HAF

On 27 October 2021, the Department for Education (DfE) announced a further 3-year extension of its national Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme for reception aged children to year 11 age children inclusive, who are eligible for benefits related free school meals (FSM). Local programmes must include hot food, physical activities, and enrichment activities. The programme will run during key school holidays Spring, Summer, and Winter, but not in half terms.

Stoke-on-Trent HAF

Frequently asked questions

Stoke-on-Trent City Council (SOTCC) has commissioned The Hubb Foundation (THF)- to undertake the co-ordination of the programme.

Update January 2025, It’s is very likely an 12-month extension of the HAF programme will be formally announced. We will update this page accordingly once formal confirmation is in place and details on how to get involved in 2025, including the provider expression of interest information for the Easter programme. 

School holidays can be pressure points for some families because of increased costs (such as food and childcare) and reduced incomes. For some children that can lead to a holiday experience gap – with children from disadvantaged families less likely to access organised out-of-school activities; more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health; and more likely to experience social isolation. We know that returning to school in poor physical and mental condition can have a detrimental impact on children’s mental and physical wellbeing, as well as their educational attainment.


Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) is a Department for Education (DfE) funded programme


It provides physical and enrichment activities and healthy food to children aged 5 to 16 years (including 4-year-old children enrolled in reception at Stoke-on-Trent schools) who are eligible for benefits related free school meals (FSM).

This holiday provision is for school aged children from reception to year 11 (inclusive) who receive benefits-related free school meals, and attend a Stoke-on-Trent School.

Benefits-related free school meals (FSM) are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, and have a claim verified by their school or local authority. 85% of the overall attendance must be eligible for FSMs

Apply for free school meals – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Universal infant free school meals

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 in England’s state-funded schools receive a free meal under the Department for Education (DfE) universal infant free school meal (UIFSM) policy.

Infant pupils who receive a free meal under UIFSM must also be eligible for benefits-related FSM to be able to access a place on the HAF programme.

Other children and families

Additional funding can cover provision of free or subsidised holiday club places for children who are not in receipt of benefits-related free school meals but who the local authority believe could benefit from HAF provision.

This may include, for example:

children assessed by the local authority as being in need, at risk or vulnerable

young carers

looked-after children or previously looked after children

children with an EHC (education, health and care) plan

children who have low attendance rates at school or who are at risk of exclusion

children living in areas of high deprivation or from low-income households who are not in receipt of free school meals

children in transition phases between nursery and primary school or primary and secondary school

(The above eligibility is subject to change, in consultation with the Department of Education.)

This list is not exhaustive, and it is open to the local authority to decide which children should benefit from the 15% flexible funding of total session attendance element of their HAF funding. Please be advised, if a young person fits into one of the above named catergories, this does not automatically qualify them to access the HAF programme for Free.

DfE Guidance: Holiday activities and food programme 2024 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Check if your child is eligible for Free School meals.

If you are a parent or carer of a school aged child who attends a Stoke-on-Trent school, who wants to check if your child is free school meals eligible.

Providing them access the HAF programme in Stoke-on-Trent, please either speak with your child’s school or complete the online eligibility checker on Stoke-on-Trent City Councils website-

Free school meals | Free school meals | Stoke-on-Trent

As a result of this programme, The Department for Education want children who attend this provision to:

eat healthily over the school holidays

be active during the school holidays

take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment

be safe and not to be socially isolated

have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition

be more engaged with school and other local services

The Department for Education also want to ensure that the families who participate in this programme:

develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting

are signposted towards other information and support, for example, health, employment, and education

The holiday projects we wish to coordinate will help achieve the following outcomes for reception aged children to year 11 aged children (4–16-year-olds)

1. To eat more healthily over the school holidays.

2. To be more active during the school holidays

3. To take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character, and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment; to be safe and not to be socially isolated.

4. To have greater knowledge of health and nutrition and to be more engaged with school and other local services.

The DfE has outlined a Framework of standards for the HAF programme**

The Hubb Foundation will ensure standards are met across the programme and session delivery; we will support local providers who wish to offer the programme but do not meet all the delivery standards. Enabling a varied approach of delivery and funding models to ensure partnerships, support and training is given to these providers.

Essential Delivery Standards

• Each session should ideally run for 4 hours per day (*shorter sessions will be considered for older young people ages 12+ & SEND provision or where not practically possible)

• Each session must include a hot meal where practically possible



Providers are required to facilitate physical activities daily that meet the Physical Activity Guidelines, set out by the United Kingdom’s Chief Medical Officers’ Report for a minimum of an hour.

Holiday clubs must provide activities that meet the https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/physical-activity-guidelines-uk-chief-medical-officers-report

physical activity guidelines on a daily basis.

In line with those guidelines, we expect:

*All children and young people participating in the HAF programme should engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for an average of at least 60 minutes per day

*Children and young people participating in the HAF programme should engage in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity to develop movement skills, muscular fitness, and bone strength

*Children and young people should aim to minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary, and when physically possible should break up long periods of not moving with at least light physical activity

*Meeting the physical activity requirement does not have to be in the form of a structured activity session, but might include active travel, free play and sports.


Providers are required to facilitate fun and enriching activities that provide children and

young people (and in some instances their families) to:

  • Develop new skills or knowledge.

  • Consolidate existing skills and knowledge.

  • Try out new experiences which could include creative activities, for example, putting on a play, junk modelling or drumming workshops or experiences.

We expect all HAF providers to provide a balanced programme. For providers whose primary focus is set around a specific activity or sport, we expect them to ensure that children attending their provision benefit from a holistic and varied experience

Increasing awareness of healthy eating, healthy lifestyles, and positive behaviours

We expect providers to incorporate helping children to understand more about the benefits of healthy eating and nutrition into their programme. These do not need to be formal learning activities. This could include:

getting children involved in food preparation and cooking.

growing fruit and vegetables

taste tests

discussing food and healthy eating during mealtimes

including food and nutrition in other activities

Offering positive learning and development through HAF activities creates stigma-free opportunities to support children and young people in learning about healthy lifestyles and exercise. This could cover, for example, the use of vapes, cigarettes, drugs, and how this can lead to issues including:



personal safety




Providers are required to provide information, advice, guidance, signposting or referrals to other agencies, services, organisations, or networks of support which benefit the children (and their families) who are attending the Providers activities. This could include:

  • Citizen’s Advice

  • Child Health and Wellbeing Services, School Nurses, Dentists or Other Healthcare Practitioners

  • Family Support Services and/or Children’s Social Care, Housing Support Officers

  • Jobcentre Plus

  • Organisations providing financial education, information, advice and Guidance

Food Provision

Each venue is required to provide a minimum of one meal a day. This could be Breakfast, Lunch or Tea/Dinner.

All Food (including snacks) provided through the activity must meet.

the School Food Standards, developed through the Department of Education.

Most of the food served through the Programme should be hot where possible. There may be exceptional circumstances where a hot meal is not possible, and a cold alternative may be appropriate.

Food provided through the Programme must:

  • Comply with appropriate Legislation, Regulations, Policies, Procedures and Guidance in relation to food preparation.

  • Take into consideration allergies and dietary requirements.

  • be a provided by a registered food business.

  • Meet school meal standards.

  • Consider any religious or cultural requirements for food.

Providers can view the School Food Standards on the Government’s website. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/standards-for-school-food-in-england

Food standards including hygiene and food standards qualifications and allergy information etc is the sole responsibility of the provider. Allergy awareness and cultural options should always be available, this is the responsibility of the provider.

From October 2021, Providers need to be aware of and adhere to the new the requirements of the UK Food Labelling reform known as Natasha’s Law.

** Subject to change- subject to DfE guidance updates for the 2025 HAF programme

Co-Ordination/Delivery Model options

In Stoke-on-Trent we have found that there is no one single solution that works for everyone. Just as there is a need for unique local delivery providers, each community has its own needs and the best approach for the community it serves.

We welcome expression from providers to deliver Full provision where all DfE’s framework of standards of delivery can be provided by school or delivery provider.

Or Partial (can provide some elements of standards) provision -The Hubb Foundation will coordinate through Partnership (working alongside other organisations) to provide elements to compliment and to fulfil delivery standards at each session. (Shown in Joint approach model detailed below)

School/community venue led.

School/Community staff deliver all activities.

Food is produced on site at the school/community venue.

Sessions are promoted and booking made by the venue through own system or utilising coordinate sport platform.

Provider led

Providers lead sessions from school or community facilities

Food provided by provider or external catering company.

Sessions are promoted and bookings taken through provider system or coordinate sport platform.

Joint approach

School/Community host the activities.

School/venue staff and local activity providers deliver session activities between them jointly.

Food externally provided or produced onsite by venue or provider.

Promotion done through both the school/community and delivery partner

We have found the Joint-delivery Model as the most impactful, with venue staff & external activity providers offering a variety of activity to meet the needs of young people. & meals being supplied through a third-party catering partner.

We welcome expression to provide sessions which can be classed as either closed (school offering places for their pupils only to access) or Open (i.e., community groups/schools identifying signposting and inviting Children & Young People from local community to attend).

How does the funding work?

Similar to the delivery model approach, we recognise a flexible approach is required to work with partners to achieve the required delivery. that not one single solution works for all.

Method approach A pre-agreed hourly rate (approx. £25 per hour) is in place between provider and the Hubb Foundation. Ratio is agreed proportional to the number of places available in your provision. & made up of both venue &/or core provider. Funding can also cover venue hire, material, and equipment costs. This works effectively with Joint Delivery approach. The Hubb Foundation will work closely with partners when coordinating this approach to ensure size of programme is proportionate to previous delivery performance,

Performance approach – In circumstances where providers are proposing to deliver all (full programme) or most of the delivery standards themselves, funding can be awarded via a pre-agreed per head cost (amount determined in proportion to the level of delivery). This model is paid on performance- linked to number of eligible places booked and then the actual attendance at the service session(s).

Due to funding requirements and delivery model, we can only commission a provider the equivalent of a maximum of 4 days of delivery per day per delivery venue, per delivery period. (Summer up to 16 days inc. trips can be applied for, 4 days for 4 weeks)


Along with evidence of required policies and procedures, partners will be sent a copy of our Partner Agreement prior to the provision to read and sign. This includes a data processing agreement, our SLA, payment terms, etc. Within this agreement, there is also information relating to minimum standards on health & safety, food provision, safeguarding, policies, etc.

There are several deliverables (such as booking forms, marketing steps, and attendance records) which must be completed for each event. Further details of this will be provided in our ‘Partner Handbook’.

Programmes can be led by a range of organisations from across the public, private and community and voluntary sectors.

To become an approved provider, partners must be able to meet minimum operating standards, sign up and adhere to a service partner agreement and provide assurances they can meet the objectives of the programme.

The Department for Education (DfE) is currently working to formalise the details of this extension and any potential changes in the guidance. As the coordinating partner, we are in ongoing communication with Stoke-on-Trent City Council to finalise the plans for the 2025 programme.

We anticipate that the programme will continue in a similar format to previous years, maintaining the high standards and deliverables you have helped establish. The Easter holidays, commencing on 14th April, will mark the beginning of this extended programme.

During the Easter school holidays, Stoke-on-Trent City Council (SOTCC), and The Hubb Foundation (THF) will once again join forces to deliver healthy food alongside physical and enrichment activities. Stoke-on-Trent’s Holiday Activity Programme. It supports reception aged children to year 11 age children inclusive, who are eligible for benefits related free school meals during the school holidays. 

We are activity inviting expression of interest** from partners to work with us to offer the Easter HAF 2025 programme. 

** Please note that this will be contingent upon the formalisation and confirmation of DfE funding and confirmation of The Hubb Foundation’s role as HAF coordinator for Stoke-on-Trent. We will provide further information in due course. We appreciate your patience and understanding but expect formal written confirmation imminently. Therefore, no guarantees can be made until funding is confirmed. 


We welcome expressions of interest from potential HAF partners to create events during the Easter programme, in place or in addition to sessions. We also welcome partners to show interest in offering/facilitating trips during their programmes over Easter HAF 2025. With partners expected to demonstrate how they will ensure trips are used to engage young people and work with The Hubb Foundation to source cost effective and appropriate locations. 

For community-based programmes 

To express your interest please contact Kevin.Hawkins@thehubbfoundation.org.uk to request an EOI form. Once completed, please return the form to Kevin  

For any questions regarding the EOI please contact The Hubb Foundation’s Community Relationship Manager  

Kevin Hawkins 


07879 152749 

For schools 

If you are a school seeking to lead or facilitate a HAF programme, please contact our School Relationship Manager to discuss. 

Tana Owen  


07921 452005 


Additional Contact details  

Data & Compliance  

Nausheen Latif 


07921 451998 

Holiday activities and food programme enquires 


01782 656050 


We are also seeking expression of interests from providers only (to be placed as activity within sessions) to support our HAF programme, for providers who can provide activity but who don’t wish to lead a programme. 

To be considered as a HAF enrichment provider please complete the following link:  


Deadline for submitting All expression of interests is by Friday 14th February. 

Once you have expressed, all applications will be reviewed and assessed

to ensure they meet the HAF delivery standards.

EOI applications will be reviewed and accessed on several criteria-

  • Compliance Checks,
  • Previous delivery experience,
  • Quality of programme & activities,
  • Number of places,
  • Food provision
  • Delivery Location/s 
  • Value for Money

Expression reviews and Funding allocation decisions to be made between 17th – 21st February.

The Hubb Foundation will be in touch to confirm delivery with providers or to further review proposed programme delivery.

Coordination meeting between The Hubb Foundation and potential HAF providers to finalise programmes, will take place between Monday 24th February – Friday 7th March 2025.

New Providers must be able to meet minimum operating standards and complete onboarding steps, adhering to a partner agreement before you they can be considered as a HAF delivery partner.

Easter HAF Programme to go live on booking website – Friday 28th March***

***subject to change.


  1. Eligibility: the provision is aimed at free school meal eligible (income related or universal) children, this cohorts needs to make up 85% of the attendance. However, there is addition opportunity available to support children deemed as disadvantaged/vulnerable/at risk (historically we have used our partnerships with schools who have pre-existing relationships with these families to help us target them by stealth). HAF providers need to ensure their programme is made up at 85% of FSM-eligible. 

  2. Activity Providers: The Hubb Foundation will link you with wider enrichment providers and activity instructors ranging from adventurous activities, art, physical activities and music etc.

  3. Food: The Hubb Foundation will coordinate the provision of Food as required

  4. Evaluation Data: After each holiday period, specific data returns will need to be returned by the led provider, to ensure reporting to the local authority allowing them to report back to the funding body the department for education: what the cost of the programme has been. how many children participated in your programme during the last holiday period including, but not restricted to: the overall number of unique children who participated in the programme the overall number of unique children in receipt of FSM who participated in your programme the number and proportion of children who are in the: primary school age range secondary school age range any children outside of those age ranges who attended the programme. (more detail can be found in the Data Processing Agreement within partner agreement)

The Hubb Foundation will assess and make decisions on Expression of interest to delivery activity programmes, based on several criteria:

Assessment Criteria  


Compliance checks 

Has the organisation passed due diligence checks?  

Due diligence checks seek to verify information about the organisation and identify any possible ‘risks’ that may result in it being deemed unsuitable to receive funding.  

We complete a range of checks including via the Charity Commission, Companies House, and other professional bodies such as Ofsted. We review accounts, check that the bank account of the organisation and visit websites/social media etc. We also want to ensure that the organisation operates safely and expect that supporting documents including the Safeguarding policy meet current best practice.  

Does the organisation have Equality and Diversity policies (DEI) in place?  

Organisations that do not meet minimum operating standards and due diligence will not be considered for funding 

Previous delivery experience 

Does the organisation have experience of delivering similar youth programmes successfully and does this include previous delivery experience in Stoke-on-Trent? 

We will prioritise organisations that are based in Stoke-on-Trent or that can demonstrate relevant previous delivery experience in the city. We will only consider organisations that have no previous Stoke-on-Trent delivery experience if we identify unmet needs. 

b) If the organisation has previously received HAF funding, did their programme perform well and have they met reporting requirements proportionate to their role in delivery? 

At the end of each programme, we analyse attendance data to understand performance.  

This includes reviewing the number of bookings and attendances against the number of places that were offered per venue and calculating actual cost per head.  

We also check that the Coordinate Sport booking system has been utilised according to requirements.  

We utilise Quality Assurance reports and feedback to understand the quality of  


We review the standard of monitoring/attendance reports including whether the report was submitted on time and if it included quotes, case studies, photos/films to help demonstrate impact.  

We also review final budgets and whether any underspend was returned e.g. If bookings were low, were food orders reduced accordingly? 


Please note that poor performance, poor quality delivery, failure to meet deadlines or delivery guidance and the submission of poor-quality monitoring and evaluation can result in the refusal to provide future funding. 

Programme and activities 

Does the application clearly demonstrate that delivery will meet the required HAF standards of the programme? Is the proposed programme of a high-quality and is it an exciting offer? Session duration must be a minimum of 4 hours and provide:  

1) A minimum of 1 hour of physical activity  

2) A minimum of 1 hour of enrichment activity  

3) A hot meal (where provider is proposing to deliver this themselves) 

4) Activities to increase awareness of healthy eating, healthy lifestyles, and positive behaviours.  

Can a sample daily timetable be shared? so that we can ensure that all the delivery elements are included for at least the minimum duration requirement. 











Number of places 


Is the number of places that the organisation wants to offer in a programme to appropriate? Is the reach of places realistic to expected engagement? 

Each venue can deliver for up to a maximum of 4 days.  

The maximum number of days that an organisation can deliver at one venue, per age group, is 4.  

If organisations think they might have capacity to offer additional places, on top of what they have applied to deliver, then please indicate if your organisations would like to be contacted if we are seeking additional places. 

We will consider whether there is demonstrated need for the number of places proposed, based on FSM registrations in the  

area. (see appendix 1) 

 We consider previous performance.  

(bookings/attendances/quality) for those providers that have delivered as part of the programme previously and expect that the number of places proposed per venue reflect this. Particularly where funding is agreed per session (staffing – hourly rate, ratio proportionate to capacity, venue hire), we seek assurances that resources is maximised & programmes demonstrate value for money.  

 We encourage new providers to apply to deliver a pilot programme in the first instance and this should reflect the size of their organisation and previous delivery experience 




Where providers are seeking to provide this themselves, does the application meet the food requirements of the 


Can providers provide children with a hot,  

healthy meal at a minimum of School Food Standards.  

Is the provider a registered food business? 

providers are encouraged to provide a hot meal but, depending on the needs of the children and duration of the session, we are open to considering a healthy cold meal option. 

We review who will provide the food, menu examples to ensure healthy options are being provided and whether the cost per head is this appropriate. Some providers also choose to provide healthy snacks. 

Delivery locations 


Can the organisations name all your proposed venues at the point of application? Are the proposed delivery venues located in areas of high FSM need and will these venues enable us to provide a variety of HAF sessions in Stoke-on-Trent?  

Does the organisation have connection with the proposed location? Can they evidence key relationships with FSM children in delivery location/s?  

We will complete a mapping exercise to review venue locations and inform decision making. We expect applicants to propose delivery venues in areas of high FSM need – the most successful.  

sessions are those that families can easily access by walking to. Please see appendix 1 for FSM numbers per city ward 

Value for Money 

Regardless of whether organisation is seeking to offer partial or full delivery, does the proposed programme demonstrate value for money? Please be aware your application will be rejected if your costs are not deemed to demonstrate value.  


A price per head must be clearly stated and the budget must be detailed and accurate so that we understand how the price per  

head was calculated and how the funding will be spent. We also  

take into consideration whether the provider has offered to deliver for longer than the minimum 4 hours required per day and whether they are subsidising sessions through match funding or other means so that we understand the true cost of delivery. 

Tina Brecommends The Hubb Foundation
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My daughter is just attending the last day of the summer school/transition sessions at St Margaret Ward and has loved every moment of it. From cookery to the history of gaming with lots more in between. Thank you to everyone involved with the project.
Blairsy Brecommends The Hubb Foundation
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Being part of something from grassroots which is going to be so big, so proud to be a part of this initiative and can't wait to help it grow.
Parentrecommends The Hubb Foundation.
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My Child had lots of fun and came out with a huge smile, excited to tell me everything she had done.
Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Stoke-on-Trent City Councilrecommends The Hubb Foundation
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‘We are extremely proud of the extensive high quality HAF programme that has been delivered across the City over the last year. The unwavering commitment of The Hubb Foundation and dedicated support of delivery partners has been pivotal in ensuring that our eligible children, young people and families have access safe, fun and enriching holiday provision’.